Accounts generally are classified as Operating or Endowment Accounts. Operating accounts, also known as Current Use accounts, are invested separately from Endowment Accounts. Funds in operating accounts are available for current use spending. Endowment accounts are established by donors to exist in perpetuity with annual spending determined by the donor’s wishes or governed by the Foundation’s spending policy.


Quasi-endowments are accounts invested as an endowment, but funds are earmarked as the terms of

the endowment’s principal can be spent at any time like an Operating account.


For system tracking purposes account types are classified by their numbering scheme as follows: XX in the first two characters represent the institution

XX-2xxxx              Current Use program and faculty support accounts 

XX-3xxxx              Current Use Scholarship accounts

XX-4xxxx              Endowment accounts

XX-44xxx             Quasi-endowment accounts 

XX-50xxx             Current Use research accounts 

XX-55xxx             Grant Accounts

xx -6xxxx             Special program or event accounts