Checks may be accepted for processing if they are made payable as one of the following: University System of Maryland Foundation, Inc
University System of Maryland Foundation
USM Foundation, Inc
USM Foundation
University of Maryland Foundation, Inc
University of Maryland Foundation
UM Foundation, Inc
UM Foundation UMF, Inc
University of Maryland Global Campus Foundation, Inc
University of Maryland Global Campus Foundation
UMGC Foundation, Inc
UMGC Foundation
University of Maryland Baltimore County Foundation, Inc
University of Maryland Baltimore County Foundation
UMBC Foundation, Inc
UMBC Foundation
University of Maryland Eastern Shore Foundation, Inc
University of Maryland Eastern Shore Foundation UMES Foundation, Inc
UMES Foundation
Universities at Shady Grove Foundation, Inc
Universities at Shady Grove Foundation USG Foundation, Inc
USG Foundation
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Foundation, Inc
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Foundation
UMCES Foundation, Inc
UMCES Foundation
If a check is made payable to an institutional program or to the institution itself, and the check is for a program/activity for which the USM Foundation has an account, the USM Foundation can accept the check for deposit if one of the following is provided:
- A copy of a donor/pledge card that includes the statement “Make check payable to the
University System of Maryland Foundation, Inc.” and signed by the donor. (The signed card
serves as confirmation of the donor’s intent that the check be deposited in the USM Foundation.)
- A letter signed by an individual donor stating his/her intention to have the funds deposited in the USM Foundation
- For corporate or foundation checks, a letter signed by an authorized representative of the organization, or an e-mail with a corporate e-mail address from an authorized representative of the organization, stating the organization’s intention to have the funds deposited in the USM Foundation. (This exception is acceptable for the initial payment from the organization. Subsequent checks from the same organization with an incorrect payee will not be accepted.)
Gift donations should clearly indicate on the check or in the attached documentation the donor’s
intention for the gift and should indicate a USMF account number. Checks should be current dated and signed.
International Checks – please flag these checks to draw our attention to them. We can accept international checks in US dollars and in foreign currency. There is a fee to process these checks, similar to a credit card fee. The foundation recommends you encourage international donors to consider ACH or Wire transfer. If the donor wishes to do that, please send an email to usmf-business- to get the information required to accomplish an ACH or Wire.
Please do not staple checks to the deposit form or supporting materials. Checks are scanned in-house for deposit and the staple holes interfere with the scanning process.