1. Be sure to use the most recent version of the Disbursement Request form located here.
  2. The business purpose section should include a concise statement of purpose. For example, disbursement for entertainment requires a list of attendees and their affiliation. Also, use this section to make special notes regarding the DRF. Highlight any special notes to draw attention to the request.
  3. If sending or scanning receipts, please tape smaller receipts to white paper. No staples, please. Physical documentation is now scanned into our accounting software and staples slow down that scanning process. If paperwork needs to go with the check, please send a separate copy for this purpose.
  4. For Payees please provide correct addresses - please do not use “On File." Effective December 1, 2010, the USM Foundation made the change to send all checks to the payee directly so we need a correct current address. Send a W-9 if the payee is new or if their name or address has changed. We do not need a W9 if the new payee is just receiving an expense reimbursement.
  5. Please attach an envelope if the check is made payable to your University. This rule does not apply to the University of Maryland, College Park.
  6. Please review the Disbursement Request Form Checklist before submitting your DRF. This list is used by the Business Services staff to review all DRFs submitted.
